since 3 weeks ago, office management has and still undergoing major changes in their organization structure, and 90% of the employees are involved in it. changes that moves away people stability, comfort or maybe job-security too. vice versa, it also creates various opportunities here and there.
for more than 3 years, being under the same boss has creates a very-very comfort zone for me, although she might sometimes be a very-very garang lady boss. but, with these changes i've to switch to another younger lady boss, whose management style i'm yet to adapt with. 3 weeks of current orientation period, is so hell tiring and sometimes confusing!
some of people i know have tendered their resignation and lots more that i do not know, have done the same, too.
can i manage myself to stay in all these tiring and hectic surroundings?
to move out, i need to know that i have a solid ground to do so. i wont quit just because
"kena balik lambat tetiap malam.."
"keje makin susah.. orang takmo kasik kejesama.."
i mean, that can happened anywhere in any organization.
or if i am to stay, i still need to know that i've a strong base to do so because i don't want to stay for reason,
"gaji dia kencang la kat sini.."
i'm searching for my stand now.
err.. maybe i'm just being extra emotional. it's a 3rd trimester thing. =P