
It was raining cats and dogs.

Both times when I was driving to and back from work.

The whole day, my chest felt so tight I hardly could breath air in and out.

Thank god, job nature doesn’t recquire me to move that much.

Or, things could get pretty worse.

On my way back home, I was in a rush for a dose of nebulizer.

It was a real relief that the attack doesn’t put me on hard time driving myself back home.

An MC for tomorrow was issued by the doctor.

If I’m qualified enough, I would issued myself an MC too.

Never I see myself in that bad condition like I did this evening.

Pity me, I have taken myself for granted.

Now that I’m taken away bit by bit, I realised how important it is to me.

I need myself back, in one piece.

I’m pulling myself together.

God, please give me one more chance.

Another one will do.

I shall make it worth, really..

“Pain in the chest, please go.”

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