it was not a good outcome. =(
total points was less 23 than the previous one.
kalut sekejap sebab when submitting Q33, the page could not load.
jadik like below..oh TIDAAAKK!!
dah berpeluh-peluh tried to restore segala connections la, reload page la..
hilang about 20minutes there. Q33 tuh pulak baru lepas sikit je dari separuh.
kelam kabut la ala-ala nak mengejar masa punye pasal. dah la soklan-soklan tuh sume tak boleh nak patah balik.
bila warning 1 minit terakhir, ada lagi 3 soklan. sangat tertekan.
klik je apa yang suka.
dan azil cuma dapat 54% sahaja.
rasa sangat sedih.. sebab macam nak maintain at 70's level. jatuh kaw-kaw punye. next class, jangan la cikgu pi sound. it's stressed enough bila dia bleh buat statement
"you can also seek for azilah's assistance for this subject."
to know that azil cuma score lebih sket dari separuh.
still, one good thing,
Hujan pagi hingga senja mug merah jambu mawar
6 months ago
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